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Prize rain 2023

In 2023, we won 25 best-of-breeds (BOB) and 32 CACIB titles at IDS and National and Club Shows this year alone! (This outstanding result is exactly the same as the balance of the year 2022). Furthermore, we were awarded BOS 18 times, JCACIB 13 times and Best Junior 12 times. It is a great pride that the Diva Noire dachshunds also stood out in the BIS results this year!

Woody Diva Noire won BIS at the annual club show, Bingó Diva Noire Junior BIS at our well-known breed specialist Italian judges, but it was no less outstanding experience Rakéta Diva Noire's R.BIS result at Hódmezővásáhely (IDS), or Ruby Diva Noire's R.BIS result at the annual club show János Márczé at the memorial exhibition.

In total, in 2023 we won 1 time BIS, 2 times: R.BIS and Puppy BIS, 1 time: BIS 3, Junior BIS and R.JBIS, as well as BOS BIS. Of course, this year we won the breed group (BOG) on several occasions, or we had dachshunds placed in the breed group.

I would like to highlight the 2023 Club Shows of the Miskolc MTOE, where fantastic Italian breed specialist judges: Arianna Giorgi
and Andrea Randazzo judged. In the high-quality field, all club titles (BOB, BOS, Best Junior) were won by Diva Noire dachshunds, which was further enhanced by the incredible conclusion: DIVA NOIRE dachshunds were also on top of the BIS, Junior BIS, BOS BIS, Puppy BIS podium.

Thanks and gratitude to the judges and organizers for this wonderful exhibition! The outstanding hospitality and high-quality venue, arrangement, good atmosphere, the incomparably rich and beautiful prizes all contributed to the fact that I remember this day as one of the best exhibitions in my more than 30-year history as an exhibitor/breeder :) ❤️❤️❤️ 🙏🙏🙏

This year, a DIVA NOIRE dachshund could be the Derby Winner in both genders (Bingó and Aura Diva Noire), the value of which was increased by the fact that the owners of the Diva Noire dachshunds won the recognition based on the judgment of the world-famous breed specialist Dr. Jakkel Tamás.

 I would like to thank the proud and enthusiastic owners and my dachshund friends for the year:
- To József Gelencsér and Marian,
- To István Müller and Tímea,
- To Mihály Opre and Ágnes,
 - To Terézia Plesenkova and Lucia Bartáková!

They invested love, time and work in preparing and successfully presenting their puppies from me at prestigious exhibitions! It's a very heart-warming feeling that I could see Divas born in my hands, now matured, professionally presented at the dog shows, where I could enjoy their outstanding successes together with the owners!

The detailed exhibition results for the year 2023 can be found here:

Award season in 2022 


                       Utópia  FEHOVA CACIB   BOG1                                                           Rakéta  FEHOVA CACIB   BOG1


     Universe SÁRVÁR CACIB   BOG1 (köszönet a tulajdonosnak: Müller Istvánnak)                    Ruby  HEREND  CACIB   BOG1

Opal  HEREND CACIB   BOG1 (köszönet a tulajdonosnak: Halász Évának)


                                         Utópia AGÁRD CACIB   BOG1                                                              Unitas  KECSKEMÉT CACIB   BOG1


Diva Noire dachshunds achieved unique results in 2022.

In 2022 we won 25 Best of Breed (BOB) titles at IDS and Club shows and - including with 6 different Diva Noire dachshunds - we won Best of Group (BOG) titles at 7 international shows. This year alone, we won 32 CACIB titles, and we also received BOS titles 14 times.

At the 3-day World Dachshund Show organized by the International Dachshund Association (WUT) in Italy (Cesena), we won the BIS1 Breeding Group titles at both of the Jubilee WUT and the World Show.

At the Jubilee WUT show (which is held only every 5 years), we won the title of best male (Jubilee WUT Champion) and best young female (Jubilee WUT Junior Champion) titles. At the Italian ABC Club Show, all the classes were won by my Dachshunds, so it was a great pride and experience that only Diva Noire dogs competed for the BOB, whom I nominated for the competition (winning BOB, BOS, Best Junior titles and Italian Club Champion titles at the same time).

And on the Closing Day, we were able to increase our my "Wall of Pride" with another Junior World Winner title and class winners titles.

At the MTTE Club Show in Komárom, our success in Italy continued by the judgment of the world-famous Spanish breed specialist Juan Naveda Carrera.

My own Diva Noire dachshunds won all club titles (BOB, BOS, Best Junior) in the very crowded and high-quality field!

Among the many champion titles obtained in 2022, I am particularly proud of my bitch Unitas Diva Noire. She was HGrCh at 18 months, CACIB 9 times out of 9 CACIB exhibitions in a row, including BOB 7 times. also, at the same time Hungaria Club Winner and Best Derby Winner!

The detailed exhibition results for the year 2022 can be found here: